《小鸟和基普Bird and Kip》72集中文版认知启蒙动画视频 百度云网盘下载

《小鸟和基普Bird and Kip》是由Little Fox出品的系列动画,由于语速缓慢,单词重复度高,非常适用零基础孩子英语启蒙使用,目前Little Fox陆续推出了该系列的中文版,今天这套资源就是该系列中的《Bird and Kip小鸟和基普》中文版本,共72集视频,中文版只提供了视频动画,并没有像英文版那样推出配套的绘本PDF资源~~


《Bird and Kip小鸟和基普》72集英文动画+音频+绘本PDF 百度云网盘下载


《小鸟和基普Bird and Kip》共72集,国语发音、中文字幕,1280×720(720P)高清画质,总体积约为980M~~

  • 名称:小鸟和基普(Bird and Kip)中文版
  • 语言:国语发音、中文字幕
  • 格式:MP4
  • 集数:72集
  • 分辨率:1280×720



=== 部分截图 ===


  • 01.完美的大树 (Bird and Kip 1 – A Perfect Tree).mp4
  • 02.新邻居 (Bird and Kip 2 – Bird’s New Neighbor).mp4
  • 03.橡子羹 (Bird and Kip 3 – Acorn Gumbo).mp4
  • 04.赛车手基普 (Bird and Kip 4 – Kip, the Race Car Driver).mp4
  • 05.修理小鸟的巢 (Bird and Kip 5 – Fixing Bird’s Nest).mp4
  • 06.坐过山车 (Bird and Kip 6 – The Car Ride).mp4
  • 07.基普很无聊 (Bird and Kip 7 – Kip Is Bored).mp4
  • 08.小人 (Bird and Kip 8 – The Small Person).mp4
  • 09.假人 (Bird and Kip 9 – The Fake Person).mp4
  • 10.去沙滩 (Bird and Kip 10 – Going to the Beach).mp4
  • 11.造船 (Bird and Kip 11 – Building a Boat).mp4
  • 12.海上迷路 (Bird and Kip 12 – Lost at Sea!).mp4
  • 13.马戏团 (Bird and Kip 13 – The Circus).mp4
  • 14.驯兽员 (Bird and Kip 14 – The Lion Tamer).mp4
  • 15.基普的马戏团 (Bird and Kip 15 – Kip’s Circus).mp4
  • 16.吵人的大鸟 (Bird and Kip 16 – A Big, Loud Bird).mp4
  • 17.鹅小姐 (Bird and Kip 17 – Goose).mp4
  • 18.又大又吵的朋友 (Bird and Kip 18 – A Big Loud Friend).mp4
  • 19.一捆棍子 (Bird and Kip 19 – A Bunch of Sticks).mp4
  • 20.基普的鸟巢 (Bird and Kip 20 – Kip’s Nest).mp4
  • 21.非常乱 (Bird and Kip 21 – The Huge Mess).mp4
  • 22.最热的一天 (Bird and Kip 22 – The Hottest Day Ever).mp4
  • 23.冰块儿 (Bird and Kip 23 – Ice Cubes!).mp4
  • 24.冰淇淋 (Bird and Kip 24 – Ice Cream!).mp4
  • 25.擅长某事 (Bird and Kip 25 – Good at Something).mp4
  • 26.倒立的基普 (Bird and Kip 26 – Upside Down Kip).mp4
  • 27.傻瓜基普 (Bird and Kip 27 – Silly Kip).mp4
  • 28.看报纸 (Bird and Kip 28 – Looking at a Newspaper).mp4
  • 29.寻找基普,寻找小鸟 (Bird and Kip 29 – Looking for Kip, …).mp4
  • 30.看鱼 (Bird and Kip 30 – Looking at Fish).mp4
  • 31.基普的生日 (Bird and Kip 31 – Kip’s Birthday).mp4
  • 32.基普的派对 (Bird and Kip 32 – Kip’s Party).mp4
  • 33.给你个惊喜,基普! (Bird and Kip 33 – Surprise, Kip!).mp4
  • 34.小鸟集邮 (Bird and Kip 34 – Bird’s Stamp Collection).mp4
  • 35. 邮票飞得到处都是! (Bird and Kip 35 – Stamps Everywhere!).mp4
  • 36.基普与纸条 (Bird and Kip 36 – Kip’s Note).mp4
  • 37.小鸟的秘密 (Bird and Kip 37 – Bird’s Secret).mp4
  • 38.新朋友 (Bird and Kip 38 – A New Friend).mp4
  • 39.小鸟的礼物 (Bird and Kip 39 – Bird’s Surprise).mp4
  • 40.睡不着的基普 (Bird and Kip 40 – Wide-Awake Kip).mp4
  • 41.基普很害怕 (Bird and Kip 41 – Kip Is Scared).mp4
  • 42.有趣的书 (Bird and Kip 42 – The Funny Book).mp4
  • 43.小鸟觉得不舒服 (Bird and Kip 43 – Bird Feels Awful).mp4
  • 44.基普很难过 (Bird and Kip 44 – Kip Feels Awful).mp4
  • 45.小鸟觉得好多了,基普觉得好多了 (Bird and Kip 45 – Bird Feels…).mp4
  • 46.不幸的消息 (Bird and Kip 46 – Sad News).mp4
  • 47.小鸟飞向南方 (Bird and Kip 47 – Bird Flies South).mp4
  • 48.小鸟的新树 (Bird and Kip 48 – Bird’s New Tree).mp4
  • 49.雪花! (Bird and Kip 49 – Snowflakes!).mp4
  • 50.暴风雪 (Bird and Kip 50 – The Blizzard).mp4
  • 51.池塘 (Bird and Kip 51 – The Pond).mp4
  • 52.堆雪人 (Bird and Kip 52 – Making a Snowman).mp4
  • 53.建雪城堡 (Bird and Kip 53 – Building a Snow Fort).mp4
  • 54.傻基普和松鼠 (Bird and Kip 54 – Silly Kip and Squirrel).mp4
  • 55.断了的树枝 (Bird and Kip 55 – Broken Branches).mp4
  • 56.找树 (Bird and Kip 56 – Looking for a Tree).mp4
  • 57.新树 (Bird and Kip 57 – New Trees).mp4
  • 58.完美的橡子 (Bird and Kip 58 – The Perfect Acorn).mp4
  • 59.糟糕的一天 (Bird and Kip 59 – A Horrible Day).mp4
  • 60.今天真棒!(Bird and Kip 60 – A Great Day).mp4
  • 61.看书 (Bird and Kip 61 – Reading a Book).mp4
  • 62.小鸟的纸条 (Bird and Kip 62 – Bird’s Note).mp4
  • 63.基普的纸条 (Bird and Kip 63 – Kip’s Note).mp4
  • 64.有趣的事情 (Bird and Kip 64 – Fun Things to Do).mp4
  • 65.两个清单 (Bird and Kip 65 – Two Lists).mp4
  • 66.哗啦! (Bird and Kip 66 – Splash!).mp4
  • 67.跑步 (Bird and Kip 67 – Running).mp4
  • 68.训练 (Bird and Kip 68 – Training).mp4
  • 69.大型比赛 (Bird and Kip 69 – The Big Race).mp4
  • 70.警官 (Bird and Kip 70 – The Police Officer).mp4
  • 71.严肃的基普 (Bird and Kip 71 – Serious Kip).mp4
  • 72.基普警官 (Bird and Kip 72 – Officer Kip).mp4



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